The desire to capture one’s likeness is timeless. Before the invention of photography, those wishing to have a lasting image had few options; among them, silhouette-style portraits or painted portraiture. The medium of photography provided a new option that was more accessible and affordable. As portrait photography grew in popularity and city populations increased, so did the number of photographers who established permanent studios. This exhibit explores the development of portraiture in Tennessee and presents many exceptional examples of paintings and early photographs that can be found in the Library & Archives’ collections.

From Painted Portraits to Photography
From Painted Portraits to Photography
Camera Obscura, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, & Tintypes
Camera Obscura, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, & Tintypes
Cartes de Visite & Cabinet Cards
Cartes de Visite & Cabinet Cards
Photographers & Their Studios
Photographers & Their Studios